
Time to grow up!

Today I started applying or RN positions. Crazy!! I love it! I doubt I'll get hired till August but it doesn't hurt to start trying right now!

Another great thing about today? I got put on call. Wish it'd happened tomorrow so i could at least get in some capstone hours while Im called off but hey, I'll take it!

The last great thing about today? Spending the evening with my handsome man (even with a gross mustache) making dinner, watching the NBA finals, talking, and laughing so hard I cried. I am the luckiest.

Difficult times have helped me to understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way, and that so many things that one goes worrying about are of no importance whatsoever.
-Isac Dinesen


Jessica & McKay Robinson said...

I love your relationship with Beth. You guys are such a huge blessing to each other.

Beka said...

Ha ha i'm sorry but that bumper sticker killed me. Also, are you working as a CNA? Where are you working? i just got done with a course and I'm looking for a job! Message me on facebook :)