
Can't a girl get some sleep around here?!

It's no ones fault but my own but I cannot stay asleep lately! When I used to sleep after a night shift I could sleep a solid 11 hours without even moving if I wanted to. Lately it's been taking me forever to fall asleep and I can only sleep 5 maybe 6 hours. For those who know me that is SO out of character. I am one who NEEDS my sleep! I think it's just the stress of the million things I need to be doing but just don't have the time. I think Benadryl is going to become my new best friend. Okay I'm done complaining.

So ... Back to the reason I started complaining about no sleep in the first place! I got home from work yesterday around 630 and fell asleep around 8. At 1:45 this girl was wide awake. I layed in bed for another hour or so then decided to give up and do something productive. I worked on my study guide for my test Tuesday (yikes!). Midterms baby!

Nick was gone most the day at school, mowing a friends lawn, and being a total stud. He is a total std because he went to Target, took a picture of Te eyeliner I needed, and hunted around and got it for me. I love that he's willing to do things to make my life easier, and not to mention, make me prettier! When he got home he fired up the grill to BBQ the chicken I'd been marinating. Winds were at moderate hurricane speeds outside and the light kept going out. We blamed the wind hen really our propane had worn out. Dangit!! So instead of getting to have dinner with Nicky Wayne I had to get ready quick and go so that I could pick something up on my way to the hospital. After inhaling Taco Bell and power walking to the unit I started another capstone shift. Can I just say that being a nurse is awesome? It's about a million times better than being a PCT. seriously. I can't even wait to become a nurse! Good thing I only have to wait 8 weeks till I'm done with school!! :)

I feel like this blog post is completely jumbled as well as pointless. Sorry I have nothing exciting to say. That's what happens when you sleep all day and work all night while everyone else is sleeping.

-sometimes my lunch looks like. 3 year olds
-tonight I am grateful for my shoes due to the fact that they can be disinfected easily. I won't give you any details
-the eyeliner that proves my Nick loves me.
- Lastly I love that I saw the sunrise this morning.