
Knocked Right Out

And by knocked right out I mean ... Today was the day for surgery. They called yesterday and told me that my check in time wasn't until ONE. So last night I started my bowel prep at 8 and the madness finally stopped at 330. And boy was my poor bum sore! But nonetheless, I survived. I couldn't drink anything after midnight so I was SO thirsty! We slept till 8 then fell bak to sleep around 930 and woke up at 11. We cleaned the house real quick cause I didn't want to come home to a messy house then headed to the hospital.

Nick dropped me off and I sent him to get a drink and food for himself. You might think he was mean for eating in front of me but I figured just cause one of us has to starve doesn't mean both of us should!

So they took a urine sample, had me strip down to a hospital gown, started my IV, gave me some Versed and the next thing I remember I was waking up to Nick and my Dad coming in the room.

As far as the surgery news goes ... Good news: it's not endometriosis. Bad news: the doctors have no stinkin clue what is going on with me and what's causing my pain. Lovely. I have an appointment with my doctor in 2 weeks and we will see where we go from there.

After the hospital discharged me nick took me home and the whole Stika clan came to hang out with me while Nick had to go to school.

Can I just tell you how sensitive my body is to medications? I've taken Ambien before and it gave me a crazy bad hangover for a full 24 hours. Tonight I took one Percocet (I could have taken two) and I thought I was going to die. Nausea is the worst! Needless to say, I'm going to try and avoid those bad boys unless completely necessary!

I'm now in bed, not hurtin too much, and ready to SLEEP! Cute Savannah wanted to sleep over with us too :) cute thing painted my toenails for me since I couldn't bend over after surgery. Sure love having such an awesome family!

Today I am grateful for:
-being able to drink and eat!
-family and friends who love, support, and worry about me
-my guts! As for the lovely picture, the white things are ovaries. The round red thing is my uterus. Apparently both look healthy

Oh and I almost forgot to mention, my Doctor ran some dye through my fallopian tubes to check its function and it worked just great! Yay for healthy baby making organs! :)