Sadey Jo

Oh hey! It's me. I really don't like talking about myself but since it's my blog, I guess I should do a little introduction. Here's a few things about me :)

  • I am aweseome! ... Okay okay, I'll start taking this seriously.
  • I am going to be a nurse someday if I ever finish school.
  • I am married to the best man ever.
  • I am the oldest of 3 kids.
  • I grew up in the same place in the same house for 19 years.
  • I am super crafty.
  • I am a perfectionist with my school papers and organization.
  • I love to sing, play the piano, and play the guitar.
  • I love kiddos, playing, and joking around with them.
  • I am short
  • I love to laugh and make other people laugh.
There's a little bit about me! Maybe you should read my blog to learn a little more!