
The What's Ups

Got a few things I wanna talk about today :)

1. Seriously, I love my job. Pretty much everything about it. The people I work with are all so nice. They are so flexible with my schedule. The trainig has been aweseome and I am learning so much. Intermountain is such an aweseome company to work for and I feel SO blessed to have the job that I do.

2. I worked yesterday and this morning so instead of driving home in what was SUPPOSED to be the storm of the year (which wasn't even close to huge). It was a bummer to be away from Nicky Wayne but hanging out with the Chadwick side of the family was a lot of fun. We grabbed us some Dairy Keen for dinner and then Maddy and I went to see the new Harry Potter which was SO jumpy! But fun at the same time of course.

3. School is winding up which is so aweseome. I got my first 100% on an anatomy test. Mission accomplished :) I've got 2 more anatomy tests next week and after that all I'm left with is 2 finals! I am totally going to survive this semsester and after that guess what? Only 5 semesters until I'm a nurse! Woo!

4. I taught my sunbeams for the first time on Sunday. Um ... it was fun but I seriously need to learn how to make a 5 minute lesson last longer than 10. They have even smaller attention spans than me! Love them though. They say the funniest and cutest things.

5. Nick is doing aweseome of course (because he is always aweseome). I've got a new found respect for him because I've been waking up as early has he has for the past year and I'm exhausted. My body is definietly still adjusting but it's fun to actually be concious for his hugs and kisses goodbye :) He's such a sweetheart and I am more and more grateful for the support and encouragement that he gives me.

Life is great and I feel like I am starting to accomplish things that mean so much to me. I feel very fulfilled and happy which is something that I think everyone is working for. I'm so grateful for the opportunities I have in front of me right now as well as all the support standing behind me. Hopefully I'll still be able to update here on a somewhat regular basis. If not anything else, I'll let you know I'm alive :)