
Singing Out Loud

So here is a fun post idea inspired by one of my fellow bloggers: Favorite songs!I'm sure that years down the road I (or my kids) will look back and thing really?? You liked what?? But I don't care! Here are some of my current favorites in no particular order. The ones that wherever no matter I am I have to sing them out loud, or even hum them if the place is so quiet that everyone would notice me singing. Click on them if you are so inclined.

1. If I Die Young- The Band Perry
2. A Drop In The Ocean- Ron Pope
3. On Love- Brad Paisley ft. Carrie Underwood
4. Let It Be- The Beatles
5. I Never Told You- Colbie Caillat
6. September- Daughtry
7. Who Are You When I'm Not Looking- Blake Shelton
8. Only Prettier- Miranda Lambert
9. I Wish You Love- Rachel Yamagata
10. Imagine, True ColorsDon't Stop Believin'Like A Prayer - Glee
     *Sidenote: Isn't Glee so much more scandalous and random than when it started? Disappointing.

You really should listen to them. Highly suggest. Some make me smile, most make me cry. I am I total music crier, especially while stressed/ alone/ thinking/ worried/ inspired/ overwhelmed ... the list goes on. Do you go through phases of music in life? I totally do. Rock, Rap, Country, Acoustic. You'll find me at one of those phases at any point in time. Can you tell where I'm at right now? Yeah, me either :)


Heather and Jake said...

Totally agree about the Glee coment. Still love their music but I stopped watching it. Sad day.