
Positives In Life

Life has been so crazy hectic since coming home from the honeymoon back to reality that I haven't had much time to sit back and even breathe. But this morning after getting ready for work, kissing a half awake husband goodbye, and hopping in the car, my mind started to wander to all of the things that I still have to get done within the next little while. Then all the sudden the thought popped into my head, like it has done alot lately, "Look at all the good." I thought "Alright, alright ..." and started numbering off the good things that have happened lately to myself. Here is what I came up with:

I have been so blessed with my job and the ability I have to take time to study there. With school starting I needed to change my schedule. Since I started I've worked every Sunday afternoon from 2:30-10:00 which has been really rough on me. Ever since I can remember Sundays have been a day of family time and really time for my testimony to grow. Well, long story short my new schedule is Wednesdays and Sundays off (I do still work every 3rd Sunday morning) and I couldn't be happier about it.

I'm so lucky to have so much time with this guy. I've been reading alot of blogs and talking to alot of friends about school starting and everyone is complaining of having to go days without seeing their husbands. I got to thinking about our new schedules and Nick and I are so blessed! With both of us doing full time work and school, the time we are going to have together is great! We both work mornings, have school in the afternoons, and get to be together for dinner every night. Perfection.

It has seriously been such a blessing to have gotten about a million of these from the wedding. It's been crazy for me to realize how FAST the small things add up! (Welcome to reality right?) Garbage cans for the rooms, cleaning stuff, tuppeware, stocking the pantry, condiments for the fridge ... the list goes on. Although I have filled my quota on trips to Target and Bed Bath and Beyond for the next 7 years, I am extremely grateful for the friends and family who have supported us and helped us get a jump start on this whole marriage thing :)

It has been such an experience to be able to see Nick and I growing together as a couple with prayer together, scripture study, going to church, family nights together, talking about our thoughts and impressions, going to the temple together, and really trying to make the gospel the center of our lives. I am realizing more and more the power of a testimony and what our faith can do.

 Aren't these two just beauties? My mom is seriously so good at multi-tasking and being creative. I've seen more and more of my mom come out in my personality with this whole decorating the apartment and getting everything settled. I love that i was able to learn that from her. Debbie is just the sweetest thing. It's been fun to learn from her and get her outlook on a positive life. I think it has really helped me and changed who I am and how I look at things.

Okay, so this picture represents Nick a little more than it represents me, but it's still funny. There's a few positive things that have come out of this schooll year starting up. 1: It was pretty easy to be able to schedule our classes around work, and around eachother's schedules which I am SO happy about. I was dreading having to barely see eachother during our newlywed months but I think we just might survive :)  2: We were able to get into all the classes we needed to, no problemo's whatsoever. 3: We've got friends to borrow books from which will hopefully save us some $$'s!

Married life is the greatest. It's been a whole TWO weeks! :) I have never been happier than I am right now. I feel more like who I am supposed to be with Nick than I ever was without him. He is eternally my best friend and sweetheart. I knew life would be good and I knew we would be happy but I couldn't have imagined life to be this wonderful. I am so thankful my Heavenly Father gave me Nick. I am truly blessed.

I am so grateful that I am learning to look more at the positives in life and be happy with where I am at. Life is so much better when you are grateful for what you have here and now, rather than always looking towards the future. It is important to look ahead and plan for a better life but just realize that your life right now is what you need to enjoy. I'm trying to savor every moment of this incredible time of my life right now and I hope that you are too.

" The heart of marriage is memories; and if the two of you happen to have the same ones and can savor your reruns, then your marriage is a gift from the gods." Bill Cosby