
Softball Fun

Thursday my Dad called Nick and I up to see if we wanted to play some softball. Of COURSE we said yes! It's stake ball and dad's ward is such a fun one to play with! There's a lot of us that play ball still so we are pretty stinkin good, if I may say so myself. We won Thursday which meant we played again Friday. We lost the first game by one but won the next and now it's on to regionals in a few weeks :) All us oldies have still got it! (I of course am not included in this "oldies" category seeing as how I am the youngest by a 5 year gap haha)

I love to play softball with my dad. It's fun because he's usually always the pitcher and I'm either on third or second so we get to razz each other a little. My relationship with my Dad is aweseome with alot of joking and teasing involved :) It was also my first time playing a game with Nick. I think he might have even hit better than my Dad? (Don't tell him I said that, he might get a big head haha) We had such a fun time together. Thanks everyone in the ward for a fun time, and thanks Ryan, for the grounder to the shin.


Beth said...

Wohooooo! Go Sadey. You have totally still got it lady! Maybe because you are still a teenager!

Sadey said...

I sure am as TALL as a thirTEEN year old! haha It was alot of fun :)