

Advisory warning: This post is me venting. And by venting I might mean complaining a little bit. We all need it every once in a while right?

I feel like lately the word 'work' is the theme of my life. What do I mean by that exactly? I mean EVERYTHING is revolving around things I need to work on and it's getting overwhelming. I need to work to finish up my school work. I need to go to work. I need to work to keep my house clean. I need to work on going to church every week. I need to work harder to save money. I need to work on loosing weight. I need to work on being a better wife for Nick. I need to work to be a better friend. I need to work on  finishing projects people have asked me for. I need to work on finding me a job. I need to work on helping my family. I need to work to spend more time with them. I even feel like I need to work hard to be happy lately. Why is that something I feel like I need to work for? I've never ever felt like this before! I'm hoping that in a couple weeks once school is done I can 'work' on getting everything back in order and remember my priorities. But for now, I'm just plain old overwhelmed.

On the bright side ... I'm picking up little miss in the morning for a girls day. No matter what's going on that little lady always reminds me how awesome life is and not to sweat the small things. Can't wait to see her!