
Negative Nelly

That's right. I'm a negative Nelly today. Here's why:

1. I have a major cold. Or major allergies. Or ridiculous sinuses. Whatever it is I'm super congested, I can't stop coughing/sneezing, my head feels like its going to explode, and my nose is constantly running which makes my nose so sore from the tissues.
2. I have seen my husband a grand total of 3 hours since Sunday. Awesome. (I guess technically its more like 10 but only 3 were awake hours)
3. I've worked the last 2 nights and I still have tonight and tomorrow to go. Yes, that is a 48 hour week friends.
4. I'm already dreading next week which is a 60 hour week for me between my capstone shifts and work.
5. My family is camping this week and I'm not. My favorite thing to do is be outdoors and all I do is work all night so I can sleep the day away.
6. People in Utah are stupid. Our whole state has basically burned to a crisp this summer and yet another fire was started in one of our family's frequently visited canyons in American Fork this week.

Okay, phew. So glad I got my little pity party out there. Maybe now I can quit being Negative Nelly and just get on with it.

Let's talk Positive Patty:
1. I only have 2 shifts left this week which is 2 less than I had this time Tuesday.
2. I get to sleep all day tomorrow.
3. It's raining!! (My favorite weather)
4. My knee is starting to heal and not hurt all the time
5. I painted my friends nails super ute

Well friends, that's about all I've got.