
Super Saturday and Sunday

Saturday our time was spent at my cousin Chad's wedding visiting with family, dinner with the Stika's, grocery shopping with the girls, then enjoying the sunset and warm weather playing in the front yard. Sunday we went to my patents for some yummy steak, corn, biscuits, peach cobbler, and ice cream. DELISH!! Afterwards we watched a movie together. We ended the night with a motorcycle ride to my uncle Mike's house to buy a gun :) All in all, an awesome family filled weekend.

This week is going to be a doozy for me. I work Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday night with clinicals Monday and Wednesday night. I have school 9-3 Tuesday and 9-10 Thursday. Yes my friends, that is a 67 hour work week. Ick. That's not including Nicky Wayne's work and school schedule which is usually opposite of mine. Won't be seeing much of him this week :( but the good news is that Monday and Wednesday are my last clinicals!! Thank heaven! Only 4 weeks and 1 day left!!