
My Gal

Today was SO needed. Got up this morning an headed to a Dr appt at 830 to address a few issues I've got going on. I know ... SUPRISE!! Sadey's got issues! No, not that kind of issues. Doc prescribed me physical therapy for my back pain that's getting worse, and meds for my asthma and acid reflux. After that I was off to pick up my gal, miss Malia Jayne. It was a girls day for sure. We went to Old Navy and got us some flip flops, Dollar Store for some chalk and other park toys, intermission to get fingerprinted for my RN LICENSE, Cafe Rio, my house for lung and nail painting, got a snowie, played at the park, and then it was time to drop her off. When we got there I talked to Bethie for a few hours with some MUCH needed girl talk, and played with the kiddos while Beth made some dinner. And then she wrapped up the second lasagna she had made and gave it to me to take home. Um ... HELLO! First of all I love lasagna. Second, I love homemade food. Third, I love the fact that all I ha to do was pop that bad boy in the oven and then enjoy!! She's the best. Seriously.

After my yummo dinner I enjoyed laughing out loud by myself to 'Yhe Bachelorette: Men Tell All'. Seriously, I kept cracking up. Then I FINALLY got around to writing a paper I've needed to for weeks. And I even finished it. Hallelujah. Only two weeks left of paper writing people. Oh thank heaven!