
Sometimes I get tired of choosing a title

Today has been a LONG day. Got home this morning at 645 (after waving hello and goodbye to nick as he drove past me to work) and finally fell asleep at 730. Went to class 9-1230 and let me tell you friends, that class felt like it was never ever ever EVER going to end. But alas it finally did. I ran my mom some Annoversary flowers for my dad after that. They've been married for 30 years this year. Id say congrats but first I have to tell them that means they're SO OLD! (plus they both turn 50 this year but we will make fun of them for that later!) After that it was time for a dr appt. I'm getting diagnostic exploratory laparoscopy next Thursday to treat some endometriosis. Boo. Hopefully I'll have some answers for all this pelvic pain finally though. Although ... He is going to check out those parts and see how he thinks I'll do fertility wise. That's exciting! Haha I finally got to sleep for a few hours and then I heads to the mall to fix my phone then ended the night with (of course) a baseball game.

Oh and we sold scoot scoot today. I'm totally sad but it's probably best. We were rarely using it plus the dangers of it was just starting to worry me. Nick made the decision to sell it but I have to admit, it's probably best.

Today I am grateful for:
-people who know how to fix an i-phone
-the fact that there is only 71 days of nursing school left
-my sweet husband