
Lazy Saturday

Today included some MUCH needed R&R. I can home from work this morning a little early because I was having so much pelvic pain. I curled up with some pain meds and a hot pack and slept until ONE OCLOCK! I couldn't believe it but it felt so stinkin great! We went to watch UVU vs. Houston for the conference championship game and of course, we won! Its the last game we will get to watch Ryan play in (even if it was freezing!). It's been so fun going to so many games I'm going to miss it. After that Debbie, Haley, Ayden, and Avery came to visit for a minute.

Since we had nothing to do tonight I convinced Nick to take me on a date :) we went to our favorite place to eat, Chubby's cafe. Delicious american comfort food I tell ya! And here we are. Waiting for The Avengers to start. Definitely needed the time with my hubby.

Today I am grateful for:
-loosing 4.8 more pounds! That's 7 and a half so far
-time with Nicky Wayne
-warm blankets