
Two Years Down ... Eternity To Go!

Happy two year anniversary to Nick and I! We were just so busy enjoying our time together that I forgot about making a blog tribute. Sheesh I need to get my priorities straight don't I?! :P I worked yesterday so I got off work at 6:30 Sunday morning and of course couldn't wait long enough to give him his present first so I'd decided I'd wake him up when I got home.  Of course, Nick being Nick, beat me to it even while he was asleep! I walked in the front door to a big bouquet of flowers and a gift card for a mani pedi. How did I get so lucky?? After taking time to smell the roses, literally, I jumped into bed with present in hand. After the glossy eyes went away and I got a kiss I gave him his present. I got him a scope for his rifle as well as a hunting knife. That was good and all but the most important part of his present from me was a letter. Letters and notes to me have always meant more to me than anything so I was excited to give him his. So that I can have a copy of how I feel when I print this blog out here it is! (A little personal moment I know so if mushy-lovey-dovey things have a negative effect on your health do not read the following!)


Can you believe it's been two years already? I can't even believe it. We have grown and accomplished so much together already. People always joke around about marriage. About how frustrating spouses can be and how hard marriage can be. Now don't get me wrong, at times I do get frustrated and marriage does take hard work but I could have never imagined feeling so lucky through it all. Last night when talking about where and how to divide our time between our families all I could think about was how lucky I am. Lucky to have a husband I know I can talk to. A husband who listens to and respects my thoughts and feelings I have a husband who loves me for exactly who I am. I don't need to change myself and I never have. You have made me a better, stronger person without changing 'me'. If that makes any sense at all.

I feel like I try to show you and tell you that I love you but I don't always take the opportunity to tell you why. Nick you are the most incredible man I have ever met. You are generous, thoughtful, caring, smart, opinionated, handsome, funny, compassionate, confident, sarcastic, energetic, and my favorite thing about you? The fact that you're mine. I still can't believe sometimes that you picked me back. You chose me to be the person to spend the rest of your life with. I don't know if I'll ever completely understand why, but for whatever your reasons, that choice has made me happier than I could have ever imagined.

The past two years have been incredible and I can't wait to see what the next two hold. we are at such an exciting crossroads in life and I know that we have so much to look forward to together. I love you with all my heart Nicky Wayne. Two years down .... eternity to go!!   xoxoxo-Sadey

I never could have imagined being where we are. We are both graduated, I have my dream job, Nick is joining the Air Force, we are as in love as ever, families we are close to and love, and better off than we probably deserve. Thanks Nick for being my rock and making me the happiest girl around. I LOVE you!