
Runnin all day

Except for the kind of running that I should be doing. The running at the gym kind. Didn't have time today! I woke up at 6:15, got ready, and went to physical therapy. My back sure is bad lately. Here's hoping its one of those 'worse before it gets better' kind of things. After that I went to my appt with HR. Thats right folks. You know, the HR appt to get everything squared away for my new RN job! Got my picture taken for my new badge, signed a few papers, and I start September 5th! After that since I was already on a roll of productivity I washed the car, filled up the tank, ran to the grocery store, and woke Nick up. From there is was right up to Salt Lake to meet with the Air Force recruiter. We got a lot of good information and Nick got the process started. I'm getting more and more nervous for this huge change and commitment but at the same time I can't even describe how proud I am of him. He hasn't sworn in or anything yet he has to get some physical approval and testing done first but it'll be soon!

We headed to Provo from there to bring Poppa Chadwick a Pepsi and visited with him for a few hours. Then, go figure, we had somewhere else to be! It was time to head up to dinner with the family as a late celebration for my birthday. It was so much fun! After we all did a little shopping for family pictures and I got the cutest outfit! (blue pants!!) Someday I'm sure I'll regret my trendy style choices but for now, I look hot! Haha it was fun to spend time with family today. I'm absolutely LOVING all this time I get to spend with Nick now that we are done with school. Finally getting to enjoy real married life together!