
Handsome Boy and Halloween

On our way to head out for a walk. Why document this? Because it's his first time in his stroller without the carseat attached! Such a big boy :)

Hudson was having a sad day, so I thought I'd send Nick a picture to let him know. Sad picture, but gosh, he's even adorable when he's sad!

Hudson loves Sophie the giraffe! She squeaks, she's chewy, and she's just his size. How could he not love her?

Those eyes .... :)

This is what happens when mommy takes too long to get ready. This kid never falls asleep without being swaddled. Clearly, he was tired!

Snoozing at Melissa's house. He loves when she babysits! Her little boy Gavin is so fun with him!

I was getting some work done on the couch and I looked down and what did I see? The biggest squinty eyed smile from my little guy. 

Getting ready for bed

Streeeetchh! He loves to stretch!

Hudson just discovered his tongue. It's the cutest thing! He's always stinking his tongue out lately like a little snake. With even more drool. Speaking of drool, because he's constantly drooling he got a little yeast under his chin(s). We've been putting a cream on it and it's almost better but seriously. So chunky it causes a rash? That's my boy! 

Hudson was having a hard afternoon and wouldn't let me put him down without crying. Finally, I HAD to pee so I flipped on the TV to see if that would make him happy for a sec. Before I could change it to his favorite movie football came on and he immediately stopped fussing. I had to snap a picture and send it to Nick. He was so proud! His Daddy's sports buddy already! And heaven knows he hasn't been watching it with me! It must be innate.

Proof of that 'hard afternoon' I talked about. Finally I just got him ready for bed and put him to bed a half hour early. He was asleep practically just as I walked out the door haha

Hudson's first pumpkin! I traced his little hands (with Nana and PopPop's help) and carved it. I think it turned out pretty darn cute. 
And since the Air Force is pretty much what our life revolves around lately I figured I would carve it's logo :)

Clearly Hudson was super excited about his pumpkin ...

Hudson LOVES his Nana. He's all giggles for her, Savannah, and my Dad. Melts my heart when they come over and visit him, which is at least a few times a week. They have been SO helpful while Nick has been gone. I am beyond grateful for all the babysitting, meals, and fun activities to help time go by faster. We are so lucky to have them!

Again with the streeeetchhhingg!

For 'International Chocolate Day' my dear friend Sarah threw a little party that was full of all kinds of chocolate! And the best chocolate cake I've ever had! Adi loved playing with Hudson and she even put her sunglasses on him. I don't think we will be buying a pair of these for Hudson any time soon, but it sure was funny!

So many babies! This was the group at the Chocolate Party! Sarah's mom, sister, and nephew were there as well 
After the chocolate party I went home and made dinner and had my cousin Derek over! It was so fun to have him over and Hudson loved him! Derek took these cute shots of H while he was here too :)

He still needs a little help from Mom when he gets excited but this boy loves to hold his bottle. It's so funny to watch his face light up when I start to get the bottle ready and he starts to wave his arms and kick his legs when I start to walk over to him with it. 

He's obviously loving the snuggles from Nana :) hahaha

He was so tired by 8:30 he fell asleep in WalMart. There's something so peaceful about a sleeping baby.

Mom sent me this picture at work while she was babysitting him. I love how happy he is when he's at their house. It makes me feel a little less guilty for leaving him for a few hours.

Happy 1st Halloween little buddy! My little red crayon and I had to go visit Nana at work and everyone just melted over him. How could they not? I just love to show him off.

After Nana's work and a trip to the grocery store we headed to the Long's house so the boys (and the Mom's) could play. We made some fun Halloween food while these two enjoyed each other. Cooper is SO gentle with Hudson and brings him all sorts of toys. It's the cutest.

Trick or Treating time! We didn't actually knock on doors but we did walk with Kelly, Mollie, and Coop while they did.  I normally HATE Halloween but I decided to dress up, since I am a Mom now and all ... Fun fact: I wore this Halloween costume when I was a baby! 

The cutest 'Jessie' around! Kelly was Woody and Cooper was the cutest Buzz Lightyear! 

Mollie, Kenzie, and I. LOVE these girls!

The day after Halloween was the day I'd been looking forward to since September! NICK CAME HOME!

His next favorite chewing toy at Nana's? Her mini spatula!

Fast asleep in Nana's arms

After church dinner with the Stika's. How handsome is this little guy?!

Clearly I couldn't stop taking pictures of his cuteness! 


Brittany said...

I can't even stand how adorable he is.