
5 Months Old!

Do I seriously have a 5 month old? This little guy has brought me more joy than I ever thought possible. Nick and I have had quite a few conversations about how did we even live before Hudson? We had no idea what love could mean until it was the three of us. I can't even begin to describe how much I love my sweet boys. I've got the most supportive, loving, and handsome husband and the sweetest, happiest, and fun son I could ever ask for. I am one blessed woman.

Hudson is one smart 5 month old! Here's a few fun facts!
- He loves to jabber and giggle! It's seriously unreal how happy my little guy is.
- He's very friendly and smiles at everyone when we are at the store, at church, or when I bring him to work. He sure makes a lot of friends that way! I can't tell you how many times I've heard from so many different people how he is one of the happiest little babies they've ever seen!
- He can roll over! He's rocking the tummy to back thing. He's almost done back to tummy a couple of times but we're still waiting for that to actually happen
- We started him on rice cereal on Saturday and he's been doing great! Tolerating that well and I'm steadily increasing it. Nick wanted to be the one to feed him with a spoon for the first time (since he has missed a whole lot of firsts already) so I'm just giving him the cereal mixed in with my pumped breastmilk. I'm excited to see how he handles the food with a spoon this weekend! We'll probably let him try a veggie this weekend too. Here comes the baby food mess!
- He is growing like a beanstalk! All of his clothes that fit around his waist are too short. But the clothes that fit him lengthwise are all way too big around. Another sign of the Chadwick side in him.
- Hudson has a very ticklish tummy and ribs. I love to tickle him and hear his happy little squeal.
- Hudson has been drinking a Similac bottle when he gets babysat. He used to get a half formula/ half breastmilk bottle but I ran out of frozen breastmilk pretty quick and he adjusted to straight formula really quick! Of course, cause my kid is a rockstar!
- This one makes me sad folks. He's been sleeping in his crib all by his big-boy self and doing awesome. I had him in the bassinet at my bedside but noticed that he was falling asleep better when I laid him flat on the bed next to me. Again, transitioning himself in to another milestone!
- Thanks to the rice cereal, his sleeping pattern is getting back to normal. For about a week there he was waking up every 2ish hours and I was over that pretty quick. I have also been started on Reglan to help bring my milk back in. I've had a hard time keeping my milk in since he's been born. Every time I exercise or don't drink/eat enough calories it starts to go away really quick which totally stinks. So, this medication seems to be working but I don't know how long it is going to last. It's a 14 day med treatment and then after that once it stops working I'll have to be done with breastfeeding. Sad, but I'm proud of myself for getting this far as basically a single mom. It has been rough but I'm so grateful that he's always been such a good breastfeeder, but at the same time has taken to a bottle well when he has needed to. 
- I bought him the next size up for the Maam binkies but he hasn't taken to them very well yet. They are 6+ month size so maybe they are just a little too big for him still. He's been growing into everything else so fast I figured I'd have those on hand when he is ready for them.
- His favorite toys are Sophie the giraffe (Thanks Jess!!) and a burp rag. Seriously. He loves to hold and chew it for hours! 
- Speaking of chewing, I think we are entering the world of teething. On Sunday he was SUCH a sad boy, wasn't napping, and was needing to be held. After doing everything I could possibly think of finally a mix of Tylenol and some Orajel on his gums did the trick. There's a few swollen parts of his gums on the bottom poor dude. He hasn't acted like they've bothered him at all today but he's chewing and drooling just as much as ever.
- Hudson is finally getting the hang of face-time with Dad. I think it's because we now have a laptop to do it on and he can see Nick's face a lot better. He looks at the screen then hurries and looks away. Then slowly looks at the screen the looks in the other direction again. Such a funny dude. It sure makes Nick and I laugh.
- He still LOVES Rio. Whenever he is inconsolable I just turn Rio on and the music and colors just make him so much happier! Aside from Rio he likes Mickey Mouse, Doc McStuffins, and Henry the Hugglemonster. I don't let him watch too much, but when he does he is sure interested!
- I still swaddle his arms when he sleeps but it can only be his arms or else he is NOT happy with me! He has been falling asleep around 9:30ish, wakes up at 2 and 6 to eat, then wakes up between 8:30 and 9:30. I'm starting to feel a lot more rested now that he's back on such a nice schedule again. I hope that doesn't change too much while we are in Texas!

After a few weeks of sorting out our insurance mess I was finally able to take Hudson to his 4 months appt. Only a month late! Yikes. Anywho ... He weighed in at 15.5 lbs (60th percentile), 25 inches (25th percentile), and 18 inch head circumference (96th percentile). He's becoming shorter and squishier! That's my boy! And he's still rocking the big Chadwick head and eyes :) Aside from the normal weigh in Hudson for 4 shots and one oral vaccine. He has done SO well! He fussed a little when he got them, of course, but stopped crying the second I picked him up. I was worried about how he would be as the day went on but he has been wonderful! You'd never guess he even had shots. Last time was pretty rough but looks like these ones weren't as bad! Knock on wood that it stays that way for the next couple days too!

I had a Dr. appt before Hudson's today. I figured since I was having my little guy get vaccinated, I should have to get a shot too. So, I got the flu shot today!

Here's Hudson on the scale! Stretching out and getting comfy!

He doesn't even know what's about to happen poor little dude.

Waiting to see the doctor. Those eyes! Love Love Love.

Go time.

The oral vaccine

First one

And the after math. But he wasn't sad for too long. Like I said, the second I picked him up he nuzzled into my shoulder and was a happy dude again. I've got the best kid.

Laying on the couch with Momma watching none other than Rio :) I figured he deserved a little reward after a rough day. 

So ... I decided to jump in the tub with him and massage his legs to keep them from getting sore. I got him all undressed and held him until the tub was full. Just as I was about to get in with him he peed all over me and then started giggling! I just about died laughing! Such a little ham, I had to capture the little smirk he gave me!
And here's a few more pics we've taken in October :)

My most favorite pajamas on him :)

Time with his buddies! Hudson loves Dax and Gray and I sure love getting to hang out with Jess. It's a win-win!

Don't let his face fool you. He had fun!

Dax making Hudson giggle!

Night time jabbers

And night time smiles :)

Tummy time on Momma's bed

General Conference on Sunday! He seriously just sat back and watched for at least 45 minutes.

Teething away on Sophie the giraffe's hooves

Rice cereal time!

Conference Saturday giggles

Slicked hair after his bath time. 

This grin/ picture mid talk is hilarious to me! Looks a bit like the animated Grinch if you ask me!
And a few funny pics taken with my Mac!