
30 Week Mark!

I kicked off our 29th week by washing all of the clothes we have acquired so far from a few friends with your Grandma Stika. I've never been a fan of doing laundry but it was so fun! The clothes we have for you are so tiny! I just can't believe you are going to be so small. You'll sure look handsome!

Tuesday afternoon turned into an exciting day! After all of the clothes were hung your Dad and I decided to put your carseat and base in the car to see how it fit. It didn't. AT ALL. I'm only 5'2" and when we put it behind my seat my knees were clear in the dashboard! We didn't even attempt to put it behind your Dad! We headed to the dealership that your Grandpa Chadwick works at to see if there was anything in our price range that would keep our payments the same. And guess what, he found something! We took the Hyundai Sonata for a test drive and then sat at his desk. He ran some numbers and we talked it over. Your Dad and I agreed that it was what we were looking for and your Grandpa Chadwick said "Okay great, just initial here and we will get things rolling!" Um .... what?! I didn't realize we were literally going to leave with a new car that day. But we did! It's been a week and I am absolutely in LOVE with that car. SO much better than the Ford Fusion we had, a year newer, and it even looks more sporty. Just because it's my 'mom car' doesn't mean we can't look awesome in it right? :)

Here is your Dad goofing around with his Dad's glasses while we were waiting for all of the paperwork to get done.

And there is our car! Isn't she a beaut? 

On Wednesday your Dad and I have a new tradition :) Well, it's mine and he watches it with me. It's watching the new episode of Duck Dynasty. That show seriously makes me laugh out loud over and over again. Your Dad laughs too, but I think he is mostly laughing at me! I decided some warm chocolate chip cookies would make the night even that much better. And of course, they did!

The next morning I dropped off some cookies at a friends house and then headed back to Orem to drop our car off. It just wasn't complete without a dark tint on the windows! (Now we are just waiting for the fog lights your Dad ordered to arrive so he and Grandpa Stika can put them in!) I think the tint makes the car look so much better! 

Friday night we had dinner with Kelly, Mollie, and Cooper and it was so fun! They made us some yummy fajitas and I brought dessert, of course! We talked and left their house laughing way too hard, way too late. But it was so fun! Mollie had surgery on Thursday on her meniscus and ooh it reminded me of when your Dad got surgery on his knee. He did get surgery on his meniscus too but his ACL surgery was by far the worst! I'm sure glad to have that over with!

On Saturday your Dad and I drove up to Salt Lake for the Home and Garden Show. Grandpa Stika had a booth up there so we went to visit him, look at all the other fun booths, and just to get me out of the house for a little exercise! While we were there we bought a picture that your Dad and I have been looking at buying for a few months now. We took it home and hung it above the couch. I absolutely love it. 

Also, notice those dogs? There was a dog trainer there that was having some of his dogs perform what he trained them to do. It made your Dad and I want a dog even more than we already do! Someday when we have a house with a yard we want to have a German Shepard for you (and us of course) to play with. Oh someday ... 

Sunday was our regular Sunday. We went to the Stika's house for dinner. Afterwards we went out on a walk with the puppy to the park and played a game when we got home. I love Sundays. Once we left there we headed to Scott and Sarah's to hang out with them for a while. Scott's grandpa passed away last week so they had been gone and they are leaving for Disneyland on Tuesday. We wanted to see them before they left again. Your Dad and I just love those two. 

Monday was cleaning day for me. I started spring cleaning with the kitchen and spent 4 and a half hours scrubbing every square inch and organizing every cupboard. After that, I was beat. And my back was mad at me. We will see how long it takes me to gather the energy to work on the family room :) 

And here we are, kicking of our 30th week! I can't even believe it! You are the size of a head of lettuce this week, about 18 inches long, and around 3.3 lbs. Look at you go! I am hoping to get induced at 38 weeks so we really could only have 8 weeks left! I have a doctors appointment next week and we will find out for sure when we can meet you :) I'm so excited! You are kicking and moving all the time now! Other people can watch you move my belly which freaks some of them out but it just makes me laugh! I can feel you getting bigger which means you are now hanging out in my ribs. I rarely feel you kicking on the left side of my belly, you are always on the right! I keep trying to remind you that you have a whole other half of a living space that you aren't using but seems like you aren't listening! Ah well, suit yourself! I guess it's probably super squishy no matter were you try to fit in there!

We love you so much little man and we are constantly thinking of you. Keep growing healthy and strong! Maybe give my ribs a little break sometime if you can :)