
I Have To Admit Something ...

I have to admit the real reason that I haven't been blogging. It's because of my camera. I hate having post after post of no pictures. I really do have time to blog, let's be honest. Not a bunch of time, but enough time. So now that I have come out with my excuse I think I should get past it and start this blogging thing. I always want to remember this time in Nick and I's life together and this is the best way that I know how. So here goes with a new update and I will hopefully keep it up. No, not hopefully, I WILL keep it up! Will is the word. Enough of the rambling, on to real life!

How about what's been going on with our lives. When I sit and think about what to write about I feel like we have been doing everything and nothing at the same time.

I have been crazy busy with school. Sucky thing is is that I spend hours and hours for microbiology and just a few hours on my nursing classes. I'm not majoringin micro right? Ugh. I'm doing okay, but I'll be SO grateful when I get through this semester. As far as the nursing classes go I'm really liking what I'm learning. Guess that's a good thing since that is what I'm planning on doing with the rest of my life huh :) My first 3 clinicals were at the Utah Valley Specialty Hospital in Orem which is pretty much an ICU unit outside of a main hospital. I got to see a lot and learn alot about things I haven't seen much of like traches, ventilators, constant tube feedings, severe wounds, etc. Probably sounds gross to most of you but I love being able to learn new things with patient care. I'm feelilng more and more like a nurse. That's probably due to work too. I've been trained in IV starts now which is really cool to do. I'm still learning all the tricks of the trade but it's been aweseome to do as well as I have with them. I'm training in the ER now which is awseome for the same reason I liked the specialty hospital. Seeing new things and learning how to multi-task with more patients and more things to get done. I'm also helping with deliveries a lot more and in the nursery on my night shifts. The labor and delivery unit is definietly the favorite part of my job. I've been making hats for every baby I take care of in the nursery while I'm with them. It's something to do and it makes me feel so good to be able to make the moms feel like she and the baby are special. They know we do deliveries all the time but to make them feel like they're important individually is exactly why I chose the profession that I have. It's hard to keep that mindset sometimes when the floor is crazy, but for the most part, it is the reason I go to work.

Nick is working full time while juggling school. He is getting aweseome grades and has been putting so much work into his classes this semester. He really amazes me. I'm so impressed at how hard he is working. The longer we are married the more opportunities I have to see what an amazing man he really is. Sometimes I feel like he is better at keeping the house together than I am. And he really probably is. I can't tell you how many times I come home and he's done all the dishes or there is laundry folded on our bed and loads in the wash. He is such a sweetheart and does so much sometimes I worry that I'm not keeping up. I am definitely a blessed and lucky girl for having him in my life.

A few weeks ago Nick and I decided to go to a young married BYU ward instead of the family ward we moved into when we first got married. The people in our old ward were great but we just didn't feel like it was a good fit for us. We've only been to our new ward once so we haven't got a complete feel but I think we'll like it a little bit more. The ward should be called a young-new-baby-addition BYU ward instead of young-married ward but ya know,that's how it goes here in Provo I guess. Good thing is thoguh it's not making me baby hungry. It's great birth control realizing that I am SO not ready for that next phase of life. I love having Nick all to myself when I come home and just being us. Married life is so great. You're probably going to think I'm being all mushy by saying this but really, it is! It is so surreal to me sometimes to come home from school, start dinner, have my husband come home from school, and eat dinner together as a family. I've also made it my project between studying and work to make our apartment feel like it's our little home. I think I'm just about there. This week I almost finished our family room. I'll have to upload pictures this week so you all can see what our apartment actually looks like now instead of the shell of an apartment it looks like in the other pictures I uploaded earlier.

My other project I have been working on is crochet. Call me grandma or laugh if you must, but it's been pretty fun to pick up the old hobby. I've got a bunch of projects I've finished and a few new ones I'm working on. I even set up a website for it and if you haven't looked already then you are lamespice! It's www.sadeyssite.blogspot.com. Nothing crazy, but some pretty stinkin cute stuff if I may say so myself!

Well, if you have made it this far into this post you are a trooper! If this doesn't make sense then I blame it on me being at work at 4AM. It actually feels like 3AM thanks to daylight savings today. Most of you might have been complaining because you lost an hour of sleep, but I love daylight savings because that means I get done with work an hour early. Aweseome! :) Thanks for hanging in there for those of you that read this lame-o blog anymore.

My goal for tomorrow? Bust out my camera and take some pictures! Just you wait, I'll do it. Will being key word remember? :)