
16 Weeks

Hey little man,

The past couple of days have been long ones I have to admit. Your momma is hurting a lot more lately. I've been seeing doctors, a physical therapist, and a massage therapist to try to make things better for the both of us. I sure hope it starts to make a difference soon! I haven't been able to go to work since last Monday and it is driving me crazy! I've always loved to go to work but I love work even more since I found a job that I absolutely love. As soon and I can start bending better, stand and sit for longer, and not hurt too much, then you and I get to get back to helping those babies get here!

Wanna know what my favorite doctors appointment was though? Your Dad and I got to see you on Wednesday when I went to my OB appointment. The doctor says your definitely still a boy! You were so dang wiggly in there that he had a hard time seeing for a while. You wouldn't sit still! It's so fun to see you moving all over the place! I can't wait until I can start feeling you move instead of just seeing it on the ultrasound machine. The doctor told us at our appointment that you weigh about 6 ounces. He said in 4 weeks you will weigh a whole pound! Do you get what that means? Your weight is going to triple in 4 weeks! I'm so glad that you are growing healthy and strong but please little one, take it easy on me during this growth spurt would ya? :)

On Sunday I started sewing a carseat cover for you. It turned out a little thick so it might just be a winter cover for you :) I was a little bummed but you know what that means? I get to buy new fabric and make you another one! Your dad will sure love that! haha

Tuesday marked the day that you and I have been hanging out for 16 weeks! 

This sweet little girl came over on Tuesday with her parents and we got to hang out for a little while. Funny story ... She was sitting on the love sac with me (since it hurts to lift her up dangit) and all the sudden my leg felt warm.We moved her and found a big wet spot on my pants and on our love sac. Her parents and I laughed and laughed. It got even funnier to me thinking of how many times that will happen with you around. It's a whole lot easier to get peed on by a little boy than a little girl as I'm sure you will show us very quickly :)

Here's just a few more pictures from our week:

Your dad and I bought this adorable sweater for you. I couldn't resist! Can't wait to see you and your handsome self in it!

I found this handsome picture on my phone. I forgot I took it! This is Uncle Taylor the day before he left for his mission. When I found it it it sure made me smile!

This is the yummy dinner your Dad and I had last night with the Stika's. It sure was DELICIOUS! I absolutely love ham. It's definitely one of my all time favorite foods. Speaking of ... I just remembered I have some in the fridge! Looks like it's lunchtime! :) I love you so much little man! Keep growing healthy and strong and PLEASE wiggle a whole bunch so that I can feel you soon!