
Working Woman

Well, now that I've started my new job I feel like I've barely had a second to stop and think at all. It's just an introduction period and lots of hours to begin with but man it's a little crazy! Hopefully I can feel caught up by next week and get ahead :) When I haven't been getting work done, I've been taking the one-on-one time to be with Hudson, and of course we talk to and face time with Nick every chance we get! So, while Hudson naps I figured I'd throw a few pics up on the blog. Here's hoping next week I feel like I have time to write more than a few lines and mayve even take a nap when Hudson does! :)

I know this is a fluke but he held the bottle all by himself! Goodness my little guy is growing up!

His new favorite thing is to chew on any piece of material he can get his hands on. Apparently it's way cooler than any toy I've gotten him!

Getting after his teether and again, holding it all by himself!

We have a momma's boy on our hands folks! He wouldn't let me set him down unless I was within his reach :) It should drive me nuts but gosh it's so dang cute! He loves me :)

Love getting cute pics while I'm at work. These two have become buddies and I love it! Thanks Melissa for being such a RockStar babysitter!

I'm pretty positive I have the smiliest boy around!

My view from the office :) If I have work, I'm sure glad I get to do it from here!

"Wooo! I weigh 15.2 lbs Mom!!"

Gotta sneak in the picture of Uncle Taylor! A few members took him to the state fair. Looks like he enjoyed it!

Morning mirror play time with pop-pop

The Holy War .... GO UTES! (Nick didn't love Hudson's outfit but hey, he's in another state so Mom gets to choose the outfit!)

Left all the babies with the guys while the girls ran to Hobby Lobby. They did great! 

Came back from Hobby Lobby and my boy was in blue! Nick's best buddy Kelly still has his back I guess haha

This boy sleeps like this unless his arms are swaddled. Cracks me up! Maybe he was riding a roller coaster in his dream?

Church time! 

Apparently church was suuper exciting haha

Sunday naptime. Seriously heaven.

Just missing Dad's hand. Love that this kid always reaches for me

Again with the chewing of the material. Look at that grin!

Hudson finally found his toes! 

Cutest little dude in camo that I know! (Sorry Nick, you've got the handsome part covered, but he's got the cute!)