
Update In Pictures

Here are those pictures I promised I'd take in my last post :)

Here is a little bit of what I've been doing with our apartment:

Here is the new gi-normus love-sac we bought from one of Nick's
friends. It's my new favorite spot! I also got some red curtains which I really love.
I know the Jazz flag doesn't exactly match but that's Nicks department :)

This is a sign I made out of some wood I got at Home Depot and had them cut it to size
 for me. I bought a vinyl quote to put on it that says "May our home be filled with laughter,
 family and friends and the life togetherness brings." Makes the white walls look a little less
institutional and a little more like home.

This I made from another cut out of wood from Home Depot and some wood letters I painted.
Remember that picture collage project I was working on from my family room? i posted it forever ago and never updated you on how it turned out so here it is:
TaDa! Still need to print a few pictures but I think it's fun. I love looking at all
the fun we have together and with our family.
Here is some of the crochet from my blog and the next 2 are blankets I've made lately.

A baby blanket that I love love
This blanket is wrinkled up because it's too big to even fit in a picture! It's made
of 62- 12inch squares. Took me for-EVER but i'm proud of it!
I'll end this picture overload with a few more random things I'm excited about.
I sold some of my scrubs on ebay and used the money to buy these new CUTE scrubs :)
My handsome hubby surprised me with these and I LOVE them!
Still in love with these gadgets. SO glad we decided to buy these.
You know what the best thing about life is though?
Life with this guy. Bliss.