
So it is 3 in the morning and I'm sitting at work. There is an I pad and my 2.5 inch nursing book sitting in front of me. I've obviously chosen the I pad over the textbook. Can you blame me? Anyways, I started school on Monday and I am already feeling a bit overwhelmed. There is so much to learn in the next 20 months! All the nurses I work with keep assuring me that it will come and get easier and easier for me, but I'm still a little worried. Anyways, that is (obviously) keeping me very very busy.

Nick started up another semester at UVU and is liking his classes so far. No math for him this semester which he definitely loves :)

Still loving my job at IHC and Nick is still hanging out at Heritage.

I have been working on a quilt for the past few weeks and I am trying to hurry and get it done before I get too deep into school. I'll post pictures as soon as it's done. (And as soon as I charge my camera haha)

We've been doing really goot with the gym thing which has been good for us. Loosing Weight is always a good thing but ot only that but I feel a lot better.

Got to spend my gift card nick got me for Bohme and got some dasng cute shirts. He probably spent a little too much, but at least I look good right? :)

So sorry this post is oober lame but there is not much going on besides work and school. It seems to be overtaking our lives lately! hope everyone is doing great!